March 25, 2015

MEDIA:  Anna Chow, Co-Chair, WSU ACADA Awards Committee, 509-335-8731,

Brooke Whiting, Co-Chair, WSU ACADA Awards Committee, 509-335-1219,

WSU’s Mary Sanchez Lanier and Justine Rupp Win Regional Academic Advising Awards

PULLMAN, Wash.—Two at Washington State University—Mary Sánchez Lanier and Justine Rupp—have landed “Excellence in Advising” awards from the Northwest Region 8 division of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).

Sánchez Lanier won the top award in the faculty academic advisor category and Rupp a certificate of merit in the advising administrator role. Awards were presented in mid-March at the annual Region 8 conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

“Mary and Justine represent the best of academic advising at Washington State, and to be recognized at the regional level means they are also among the very best in an eight-state or –province district,” said Yung-Hwa Anna Chow, co-chair of the awards committee of the WSU Academic Advising Association (WSU ACADA). [] It is an allied member of NACADA.

Region 8 consists of members from Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Yukon Territory, and Washington.

In fall, Sánchez Lanier and Rupp were two of five recipients of WSU ACADA’s Outstanding Achievement in Academic Advising awards. The others are: Teresa Phimister in the advisor-primary role; and two in the “new advisor” category for those with three or fewer years of advising experience, Leah Rosenkranz-Wurst in the primary role and Aaron Whelchel in the new faculty group. Phimister and Whelchel are at WSU Vancouver.

For more information on award winners, visit the WSU ACADA website. []